July 4th: Avoid Eye Injuries This Holiday
Fireworks can lead to serious Eye injuries and Fireworks safety is key.
July 4th is our Great Nation’s Independence day. For most, the holiday is a time to celebration and relaxation. But a momentary lapse in judgment with fireworks can cause serious eye injuries. Proper procedure and protection are key when handling fireworks.
Every July 4th, our country’s Emergency Rooms are filled with adults and children with fireworks injuries to the face and eye. Playing with fireworks can have lifelong consequences. These injuries can cause scarring and burns that can result in permanent loss of vision or even loss of the eye.
- Be sure to follow extreme precautions when handling fireworks this year.
- Be especially vigilant of children in the presence of fireworks.
- Be sure to spread the word about Fireworks safety.
- Better yet, go see the professionals light up the sky with fireworks instead of trying to do it yourself.
Sidney Gicheru, M.D. is a Board Certified Ophthalmologist, who specializes in LASIK and Refractive Cataract Surgery (ReSTOR, Crystalens, and Toric lens implants). His practice, LaserCare Eye Center has two locations in Irving and Southlake. For more information call 214-328-0444 for a free LASIK consultation or go to our website, www.DFWeyes.com. This article July 4th: Avoid Eye Injuries This Holiday was written by Sidney Gicheru, M.D.